1. Full name & Gender?
Rebecca Erin Harkin
Non binary
2. Species?
3. Zodiac Sign?
4. 3 fears?
Gaining weight/not being physically perfect
Not having control over food
Losing control over becky
5. 3 things I love?
The high off of not eating
Feeling like i've been ‘doing well’ or following my rules
6. 4 turn ons?
Skinny arms
Flat stomach
Thigh gap
Being picked up
7. 4 turn offs?
Fat rolls
Chewing with your mouth open
Eating a lot
8. Best friend?
My calorie counter app
My materialistic sorority friends who also have eating disorders and continue those behaviors subconsciously
9. Sexual orientation?
Hyper heterosexual
10. Height?
5ft 9
11. What do I miss the most?
When i as at my most thin
12. Favorite color?
Forest green
13. My current crush?
Cara delevinge
14. Favorite quote?
Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
In 2 weeks you'll feel it, in 4 weeks you'll see it, in 8 weeks you'll hear it
15. Favorite place?
School and classes, since it distracts me from eating
Shopping malls, since the sizes of jeans can tell me how i'm doing in my progress, or make me cry if i realise im too big
16. Favorite music?
Probably one direction or arctic monkeys
17. Favorite Food?
Black coffee/sugar free/anything with no calories things
La croix
Rice cakes
Sugar free chocolate
Green tea
18. Eye color?
Blue with green/yellow in the middle
19. Hair, fur, scales or skin color?
No my hair tends to fall out
But my skin is a very pale color and i often have bags under my eyes that i have to cover with makeup
20. Style?
Very modest, with lots of layers
High necklines, skinny jeans
Things to cover my body
21. Last book I read?
Letting ana go
The keto diet
22. Have I ever kissed that last person I texted?
23. Someone I love?
Becky and that's why i want the best for her to be as skinny as possible
24. Current relationship status?
Single and in a toxic relationship with becky
25. Relationship with my parents?
Very mad i haven't talked to my mother in years
26. Favorite holiday
All holidays involve food so i don't like holidays, however i normally want o be as skinny as possible for halloween
27. Political standing.
Probably a little bit conservative tbh
28. Tattoos I have.
29. Tattoos I want.
None i want to be perfect
30. Last person I hugged.
I dont hug
31. What I did during quarantine.
Stressed out about gaining weight
Looked into new diets
Wanted to work out everyday
32. How long does it take me to get ready?
A good bit but not too long
My outfit is the hardest part
33. Where am I right now?
In class trying not to eat
34. My main addiction?
Not eating
35. My profession?
36. My education?
College, psychology major
37. Where I grew up?
Suburbs of chicago
38. Best 2 personality traits?
Extremely good at planning
Very throughout and committed
39. 2 worst personality traits?
Bad temper
40. What I love most about myself?
My ability to starve myself better than other people
My ability to completely transform my body over a short period of time, gives me a superiority complex that i don't want to give up
41. What I love most about my friends?
I only like my friends who also aren't eating
I like when they push me to workout
And when we can all take pictures together
42. What my friends love most about me?
I don't have any friends, my friends want me to get fat
43. How do I feel right now?
Exhausted yete powering through via a manic phase
44. My Religion?
45. My pet(s)?
No pets are too much of a mess, i have a deep need to clean and control