In this piece I really aimed to capture a realistic trip experience for the viewer to experience. The girl in the video is myself, and as she goes to sleep she takes a pill that leads her into a drug induced trip. She wakes up shortly after and attempts to go to the bathroom and gets lost within her own reflection. As someone who has experienced depersonalization disorder I really wanted to capture the feelings that the disorder and psychedelic drugs can induce. She then goes into a tunnel animation, and is carried away on her own adventure of facing her trauma. Eventually it brings her to a very influential scene from Alice in Wonderland, where she ultimately regrets taking the psychedelic drugs and wants to go home. Once changing her mindset she is then in control and begins to see a beautiful sky followed by a while light that leads her home to her bed. She wakes up in bed and then has to take another pill to calm her down from the trip and make the effects go away. This piece deals heavily with anxiety and the real effects of psychedelic abuse and use while not in a healthy mindset. I focused heavily on flight effects and different effects in premiere pro to alter the footage. Overall I wish I could have added more animations, to make a more visual trip experience. However, the small animations I did I overlapped with other videos or pictures which I think made them blend very well, and I very much liked the outcome.
Artist Statement: DayDream Video Project